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Professor Mike Sharples: Generative AI and Education: Challenges and Opportunities
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Mike Sharples Generative AI in Education:
The AI Horizon of Higher Education: emergent tools and policy considerations with Mike Sharples
Generative AI: Prompting new Opportunities and Challenges for Higher Education
Conversations with Prof. Mike Sharples
Generative AI: Transforming Higher Education
RIDE 2023 - Generative AI for Academic Writing and Assessment - Innovations and Issues
Generative AI and LLM in Digital Education
The Power of Generative AI for Learning with Josh Weiss
Generative AI: Its Implications and Opportunities, for Policy, Pedagogy and Practice
AI and assessment: ChatGPT and the future of education
'Learning in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence’ Special Issue Webinar